Wanted to thank every last one of you for an incredible year. We have gained a lot of momentum for our game but more importantly, we have gained a ton of new friends. People who have reached out for help, hang out with us during online conventions, or just play games during the week. You are all the reason why we do this and wanted to say thank you for your support and want you to have a safe and happy holiday.
Oh, and don’t forget, BAAAAAA Humbug!

Ed “Duke of BAzlandia”
I just wanted to take a little bit of your time. Thank you to all the wonderful people I have met this year. It has been an interesting year. When planning this year out last year, this is not how I expected it to turn out at all. Even with all the “interesting” things this year, I am glad for the new people I have met. The new experiences I have had. I hope this weekend and the holidays are good to you. Happy Holidays from the land of BAzlandia.