Hello everyone! Dave here. We are all very excited (and very tired…) after a good week at Origins Game Fest 2022. This blog will just be a small re-cap about what happened and what we are up to next. We had the wonderful opportunity to go to Origins and managed to get there after a few too many hours in the car and a few stops here and there. Between trade day and being able to spend time with game store owners/managers, other publishers, influencers from all sorts of platforms, event staff, and many other board game industry involved people, we were tired. And that was just the first couple days leading up to the convention.
The convention itself was a blast and it was so nice to see people we have known for a while and new faces we hope to see more often. I want to give a genuine “Thank you for being awesome” to all the folks that made B.A. Games, Origins, and the wider board game community as a whole exist in the first place. I was not sure what to expect as this was my first Origins Convention and our first as B.A. Games, in addition to the added anxiety of first time selling our first physical product, Cult of the Deep. Seriously thank you for making the Con a great experience and I hope to see many of you at Gen-Con this year or Origins next year (or sometime in between). Now, to let Ed and Sam each have a moment to talk about the Con for themselves.

Ed: “This was the first time I have ever attended Origins. It definitely has its own feel compared to other cons. Not only was this the first-time attending Origins; it was the first time we were able to sell our game in person and provide copies to fellow board gamers. It was a great time and I think the best part was meeting backers, getting back in touch with friends from other Cons, and being able to make new friends. I look forward to attending next year and if I meet you, please stop by and say hi anytime!”

Sam: “Everyone kept saying how Origins is a different convention than others, but it wasn’t until I experienced it that I saw how truly different it is. It was very relaxing and very focused on playing games. It was awesome to see people not only getting hyped for our game Cult of the Deep but having people play it and tell us about it. It was a great time, and we will be back next year!”

It was a seriously good time and we enjoyed ourselves. We really want to thank all the backers, play testers, advice givers, friends, family, reviewers, and everyone in between. We have seen so much support; just know we wouldn’t be where we are without you. And to wrap it up I’d like to ask a question that seemed to be the “mantra” at the Con. “Would you like to join a cult?” If the answer is “Yes!” you are in the right place. Have a good weekend everyone and we will be back next Friday with a real article. See you at Gen-Con. Booth #267!