Ed “Duke of BAzlandia”

When creating Cult of the Deep, a hidden role dice game, we always knew we wanted to have nice quality components. Since the game itself has a large quantity of dice, we didn’t want to go with generic. We decided to have custom molded dice for the game. In order to make sure we got what we wanted out of the dice and to allow for some color and effect experimentation, we were able to get the manufacture to do a small run of RPG dice sets to test out some colors, effects, and add-ins.

Today we are starting a giveaway for 7 piece Resin RPG Dice sets. We have two different colors with a total of 11 sets to find new homes. The giveaway will run until Christmas Eve and the winners will be announced Christmas Day and be notified by email.

To those solely interested in the contest here it is. For more information on the what and why see below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cult of the Deep


Now if you wanted to know more and the why behind a dice giveaway read on.

I am actually a somewhat of a dice enthusiast. I enjoy a good looking set of dice. After the decision to pursue our own custom dice, the next step was to get the molds created and create dice. To create molds you have to choose the type of dice, Resin or Acrylic, with each of these materials having plusses and minuses when it comes to creating dice. After some experimentation (the above RPG sets) and research, we are happy to say the molds have been created and we are opting for Acrylic for the game.

Once choosing your working material you now have the parameters of what you can do with that material and your boundaries for dice creation. This is the hard part, choosing what you dice will look like. If you really want to know, just find your local Dice Goblin and I am sure they can expand your view of the dice universe that is out there. Creating dice involves choosing colors, choosing pantones (so many options and shades), choosing add-ins (glitter, embeds, etc.), and then choosing effects (swirled colors, layered, and so many more).

Sam, Co-Founder, Art Director, and miniature painter, took on the role of determining colors. From there we both looked at dice effects and add-ins. We put some color combinations together and whittled it down to what we thought would look good.

With all that is involved, the chances of getting exactly what you want on the first shot is extremely unlikely. This allowed us to see what we ended up with. So long story short we have some one of a kind 7 piece Dice Sets that will never be made again, up for grabs. What better way to celebrate progress on your game then to give away dice!

Needless to say, we are happy with the dice we will be producing for Cult of the Deep when it showcases on Kickstarter February 2nd, (Kickstarter Notify Me) though we believe the ink on the dice for Cult of the Deep will probably need some adjustment. If updates on Cult of the Deep are what you are looking for please sign up for our newsletter (use the Giveaway link above… might as well get entries to win dice). We look forward to giving some dice away and feel free to reach out via our social media channels or directly through email.


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