Grateful For You

It’s Thanksgiving Eve here in the U.S. and as a tradition, it is a time of thanks, appreciation, and gratitude. I always have this mental picture of myself wearing comfy warm clothes, sitting by a fireplace, sipping hot chocolate, and looking out the window to a beautiful snow covered landscape. I think it is a reflection of my contemplative nature during the holidays and winter months. Whatever the situation or reason, I just wanted to say, thank you.

Thank you to those who have been supporting us through our first Kickstarter. Without you, we wouldn’t be trying to live the dream of being a board game publisher.

Thank you to those who read this blog and interact with us on social media. You help us be better. We like writing about our different thoughts, musings, and ideas and we appreciate you joining us on our haybale rides through a variety of board game and board game design topics.

Thank you to our friends and business partners who make being in this industry a lot of fun. In the immortal words of Mik from Our Family Plays Games, “We’re all family.”

And last but not least, a special thank you to our community on Discord and Facebook. All of you are amazing and it is a pleasure to join you for our weekly online game nights as well as just interact with you on a daily basis.

Thank you all for joining us on this adventure and until next time…

-Sam “King of the Hilltop”


We are getting to the holiday season here at B.A. Games. Due to this wonderful American holiday, (Sorry to our Northern Canadian Brethren but November is the proper month for giving thanks), Thanksgiving often marks the beginning of the season where I can spend more time with family, take some needed long weekends, and play even more games than usual. This year I am going a little nontraditional and cooking some woodfire pizza in the backyard. I also plan on relaxing and hopefully getting a full day of games with all 5 kids. I would like to just say I am grateful for family, friends, and for games and how these things in my life tend to go hand in hand. With that, until next week, have some fun, eat some good food, and tell someone how glad you are that they are in your life.

-Ed “Duke of BAzlandia”

One thought on “Happy Turkey Day!

  1. Robbie Stockton says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Much Gratitude to all who have offered their support and/or backing to my boys. Not saying which one Sam, or Ed that I love the most, too close to Christmas for that. I’ll let you know on the 25th or 26th after the gifts have been opened. Have to admit all 5 of my nerdy boys, their amazing wives, and the 14 grandkiddos are among my greatest blessings.

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