Category Archives: Business

New Year Countdown Cult of the Deep Rulebook Cult of the Deep – Tabletop Simulator   [...]

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Happy Holidays from B.A. Games

Wanted to thank every last one of you for an incredible year. We have gained [...]

Introducing Atikin Games

Ed “Duke of BAzlandia” One of the things we do on this blog is feature [...]


Judging A Board Game By Its Looks

Sam “King of the Hilltop” There are so many different board games, types of board [...]


Do We Need Another Crowdfunding Site? Is Gamefound the Answer?

Ed “Duke of BAzlandia” October has been a big month for crowdfunding and since I [...]

How to Find and Date Your “One True Board Game Artist”- Part 3, First Date and Commission

The First Date Sam “King of the Hilltop” Recap For those catching up, this series [...]


Where To Find Your First Followers

Sam “King of the Hilltop” In an earlier blog a number of weeks ago, we [...]

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Lessons From Kickstarter Creators: FunDaMental Games

This week we have a guest post by Wes Woodbury of FunDaMental Games. Wes has [...]

Perspective in Board Game Design, Marketing, and Production

Perspective Is Everything Sam “King of the Hilltop” I used to be a T.A. years [...]

Your First Follower and Building Momentum For Board Games

  What is a First Follower? A first follower is exactly that, the first person [...]

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