Author Archives: Duke Of BAzlandia

Happy Turkey Day!

Grateful For You It’s Thanksgiving Eve here in the U.S. and as a tradition, it [...]


Favorite Mechanics and Another New Member

Ed “Duke of BAzlandia” It is that time for the weekly blog. This week we [...]

Gameplay Loops and Complexity

Sam “King of the Hilltop” Whether you are designing a game, enjoying a game or [...]

Convention Wrap-up and Other News

GENCON & OTHER CONVETIONS It was an odd year for gaming conventions as uncertainty of [...]

Herald of the Deep Update

We thought we would spend a little time on today’s blog to talk specifically to [...]

Timeline for Cult of the Deep Board Game

Here at B.A. Games we wanted to give out a general timeline of events and [...]

Stretch Goals

The current focus of B.A. Games is on our Cult of the Deep Kickstarter. Multiple [...]

Cult of the Deep Funded

Cult of the Deep was launched on February 2nd and funded February 3rd in almost [...]

Communion – Part 3, “A Bountiful Harvest”

If you haven’t read Part 1 or Part 2 yet of the story, please read that [...]

Kickstarter Is Coming

Campaign Launches February 2nd The time has arrived and will soon be here! The Cult [...]