Tag Archives: tabletop game design

Gameplay Loops and Complexity

Sam “King of the Hilltop” Whether you are designing a game, enjoying a game or [...]

The Game Within a Game

Sam “King of the Hilltop” Have you ever played a board game with one group [...]

Defining a Legacy

Defining a Legacy Sam “King of the Hilltop” Stockton What is a legacy game? No, [...]

It’s Okay…People Can Like Your Game

Sam “King of the Hilltop” We have officially been in manufacturing for a few weeks [...]


The Zen in Board Gaming

Finding Your Zen Game Sam “King of the Hilltop” There is such a wide variety [...]

Decoupling Board Game Mechanics, Replayability, and Cost

Sam “King of the Hilltop” Introduction When we set out to design Cult of the [...]

How To Design Symbols for Tabletop Games

Introduction We have been working for a while on this game and our art is [...]

Graphic Design – Add-on or Crucial Element In Board Games?

Sam “King of the Hilltop” As we were developing our game, Cult of the Deep, [...]

Judging A Board Game By Its Looks

Sam “King of the Hilltop” There are so many different board games, types of board [...]


What Makes A Good Rulebook For A Board Game?

Sam “King of the Hilltop” So, what makes a good rulebook for a board game? [...]